Hi there
can any excel people out there help me with modifying my Excel spreadsheet I have or if there is a newer one we are using for competition these days can I get it
the only bits that need changing are in the RF section (entry score and leader board) I put 5 details and 16 benches in the bench draw section but from then on I'm stuffed for entry score and leader board
also is there anything I'm missing as this is an old score spreadsheet, e.g. is there a 3 gun add up section instead of manually working it out?
any help would be great as we have our shoot in 2 weeks and I only just realised this problem ( we are borrowing 16 benches for this and the nationals in a few months time)
Hi Stuart.
I will have a look at it tonight for you and give you a call.
I have been playing with the score spread sheets a fair bit lately. And believe that I have now got everything working to a much more user friendly version with 2 and 3 gun done automatically, as well as a few other things.