Nick Aagren Medal Match
This match will be held Friday 1st November and Saturday 2nd November 2024
Eagle Park Range , Gifkins Road Little River
Come early as all shooters must check in through the office where delays can be experienced
Friday 1st November
300 yard Mozzie
Morning -set up for 300 Mozzie
Shooting to commence at 12.30 pm
Flag set up for 500m available after conclusion of the 300 yard Mozzie match as per range rules.
Saturday 2nd November
Light & Heavy Gun 500m Fly
Start time 9 am
Presentations after the conclusion of the match
All matches shall be shot in accordance with the National Rule Book
Medals awarded for all classes 1st ,2nd ,3rd plus small group and high score
Two gun medals for 1st ,2nd ,3rd for Saturday Fly match.
Prize for the highest score shot at 500m donated from Nicks estate
Lucky Door prize
Entry Fees
$40 per entry
$110 for all three
Please find below the results from the match. These have also been uploaded to the results page.
On Behalf of MBC club
I would like to thank all participates in the Nick Aagren Medal Match.
And well done to all the medal winners.
The conditions were up to Little River standards with tricky wind and lots of mirage .
I would also like to thank all the volunteers from the club who helped out over the 2 days without them we would not be able to hold the registered matches.