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Vic State Fly Championships
November Friday Nov 3rd & Sat 4th, 2023
VIC SSAA, Eagle Park Main Range 2, Gifkins Rd Little River
200yd Rimfire Fly and 500m Light and Heavy Gun Fly
• Thursday, Nov 2nd: Bench draw will be available.
• Friday Nov 3rd 200yd. Fly 5 target competition plus warmer/practice target, 1pm start.
• Saturday Nov 4th: Centrefire 500m Fly: 5 target competition plus warmer/practice target, 9am start.
No guarantee of any practise time being available other than the warmer targets.
Nominations in by Oct 27th
Fees: $40 one class, $80 two classes, $110 all three classes., Juniors half-price.
Fees can be paid on arrival.
Registration to be completed on the website
Rimfire, Light Gun and Heavy Gun competition shall be run as a registered match under the SSAA Benchrest Fly rule book.
Rules and class information is available via email or
Trophies and medals
1st, 2nd and 3rd place getters, highest score target and smallest group for LG & HG and RF.
1kg ADI 2208 for 3 gun winner, 1kg ADI 2208 lucky draw for those entered for the 3 classes and present at the draw.
Bruno’s Cafe will be open Friday and Saturday for breakfast and lunch.
Camping is available. Hot showers, toilets and electricity is provided.
SSAA VIC Eagle Park Range is located 55km SW of Melbourne at Gifkins Rd Little River.
Nick Aagren on 0408 551 575 or email: [email protected]