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Results 2023 ACT Fly Championships

Member Admin
Month 9 ACT Fly Championships Sep 2023   Presentation page



Topic starter Posted : 2 October 2023 9:34 am
Michael Bell
Member Moderator

Thanks Nico,

It was certainly a tough day for most although the mirage didn't see to trouble some.

Congrats to Eli who continues on his merry way in the "fly" shooting world...11 points clear on a day like that is no mean feat!

Congrats also to the other winners and place getters in all categories

We're seeing the name Glen Aarson up the top more and more these days which is fantastic. Glen doesn't have a new rifle or barrel, he's just working on his strategy and it's clearly working! Good also to see a previous National Champ in Tim Pavey hit the scoreboard in light rifle.

We know Brian and Bob can score heavily which they did and great to see long time participator in Rob Bernard feature in heavy and also the rimfire on Sunday.

Probably the most interesting result was the one that nearly everyone was cheering for!!.........Kathy Dundas wiped the floor with husband Dave in the light rifle...beat him like he was a red headed step child (as Mike Cockcroft from Texas used to say) ? ?   

Sorry Dave!


Anyway, one more match to go down at Little River!!

If you haven't shoot at this magnificent range yet you should really try to get there!




Posted : 3 October 2023 10:58 am