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2023 Nightforce SSAA WA state titles

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IMG 2199
IMG 2238
IMG 2237
IMG 2239

2023 Nightforce Optics ANZSSAA WA Fly state titles was shot over the weekend here at Perth Rifle Metallic Silhouette Club with 14 competitors in the Light gun event, 13 in the Heavy gun event and 30 competitors in the Rimfire event.

For the LG shot in the morning the conditions were pretty friendly with light winds gracing us and some good target shot by all.

1st - Keiton Puzey with 259.02 setting a new state record for total score
2nd - Vincent Vaina 248.02
3rd - Stuart Pethybridge 243.03

Then after a awesome BBQ lunch while we waited for the protest period to finish we went on into HG. The conditions not so favorable with the mirage coming in making it near impossible to see the fly, it was spray and pray for a lot of us but kudos to Paul Pattersonand Phil Mansell who showed us how to do it. Paul had it in the bag till he assisted Phil spotting and steered him into first place.

1st - Phil Mansell 235
2nd - Paul patterson 231
3rd - stuart Pethybridge 216.01

Onto rimfire today and started out with dolly conditions for the warmer target and you couldn’t miss. But by the time relay A come to pass the wind had picked up coming right to left to head on which made things interesting. Although it didn’t seem to bother some people who shot consistently well throughout the day. It was looking like an 8 group was going to win the day then an 1.8” group showed up then a 1.49” group the a 1.28” group then saving it for his last target to take smallest group and highest target with a 59.03 and a 0.905” group was Andrew sevelj.

1st - Gary T 258.06
2nd - Cameron Rolfe 241.01
3rd - Andrew Sevelj 240.07
1st Junior - Jaidyn Patterson 199.02

We would like to thank our sponsors and volunteers who help make everything run over the weekend, without you it doesn’t happen.

Looking forward to hosting the Fly nationals in 2024

This topic was modified 2 years ago by Kip989
Topic starter Posted : 24 July 2023 12:37 am