This years 2024 Fly Shoot Nationals Sponsored by NightForce Australia was held in WA at the Wanneroo Shooting Complex, approximately 40 minutes North from the lovely city of Perth. It would be a weekend of two significant highlights, but more on that later. Over 50 competitors would participate over the 3 days with some travelling more than 3000 Kilometres to compete. The forecast was for strong NW winds that would gust to over 35 Kilometres; this was guaranteed to keep even the most astute shooters on their toes.
Saturday would see 32 shooters take to the benches to shoot Light Gun. The wind was already blowing and the forecast predicted it would only get worse as the day went on, wind gust would hit over 40 klicks catching some of the most seasoned shooters out. At the end of the day, after more than 160 targets had been scored, it was young Elijah Groves not just winning the Junior category but taking the overall win with a score of 255 and hitting 6 flies. An exceptional feat on the best of days let alone on one as unforgiving as we were experiencing. Andrew S would take second with 247.01, and Michael “Belly” Bell and Peter Cross would both score 241.04, Belly would take 3rd on a count back as he shot the best target of the day with a 58.02. Anthony Hall shot the smallest group measuring 1.57”.

On Sunday it was time for the “Heavy Guns” to make an appearance, the conditions certainly had not improved any, if anything they had gotten a little worse. Matty Riches and his dasher took it all in his stride showing us why he was the 2023 shooter of the year in both HG and LG, he shot a 243.01 to take 1st place. Mr Vince Vania and his 300 WSM was a close second with 242.02 and shot the smallest group of the day 1.067, what a screamer. Arguably one of the best comebacks of the weekend was Keiton Puzey scoring a 27 on his 1st target with his 6BR then fighting his way back to take 3rd with 240.01, a fantastic effort!
After the conclusion of the centrefire competition young Eli would walk away with the Jim Mckinley trophy for highest centrefire score over the two days.

On Monday over 50 competitors turned up to shoot the 200 yd rimfire event, the windy conditions prevailed and just to keep it interesting we had periods of rain. Andrew S shot the smallest group (1.347”) and took 2nd with 259.03. young Eli took 3rd with 245.04. Kay Cotterell shot a 58.01 for the best target of the day.
Dave Groves scored 261.05, this not only secured him 1st place and the Stuart Elliott Cup. With the win Dave secured enough points to be the second person to ever be inducted into the hall of fame. I certainly would not be the only person to say that there is no one more deserving. Dave has been a tremendous ambassador to our sport. He is the discipline chair and gives up countless hours of his own time to ensure our sport continues to grow. I know I speak for many when I say congratulations Dave and thanks for all you do, you really do deserve all the accolades.

After three days of shooting and more than 580 targets being scored young Eli Groves was the 2024 SSAA Fly Nationals 3 gun grand aggregate winner with a score of 724.11. He also took the Gold medal in the 2 Gun centrefire and Silver for the 2 Gun centrefire plus rimfire. Andrew S would walk away with the Silver medal in the 3 gun and Matty Riches the Bronze.

Thanks NightForce Optics ANZ
A lot of hard work and time goes into organising an event as large as this. A BIG THANKS must go to all the volunteers that made this a weekend to remember. From the officials, target crew, scorers, range officers, the ones that cooked all that food, the list is endless. This author and I have no doubt every other competitor can’t wait for the next one. Thanks again, it was just a great 3 days.