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SSAA Fly Shoot Rulebook #2 - Revised 2022

Member Admin

Hi All, sorry for putting this in the Match and Event section, it's the closest applicable category for rules though I think.

Every five years the SSAA Discipline Subcommittee (the delegates representing each of the States) revises the disciplines Rulebook, as with any rulebook, these things need to change over time.

The Discipline Subcommittee meets each year at the Nationals to discuss any issues that the Discipline is having and make decisions on those issues. We’ve kept a record of the changes that were needed to the Rulebook over the last 5 years, and gave the rulebook “a bit of a spruce up” as well in this revision.

Once the Rulebook has been revised by the Discipline Subcommittee Meeting at the Nationals, it goes to the National Discipline Chairmans committee meeting for a sanity check to draw on the combined experience of the NDC’s, then it goes to the SSAA National Board for ratification. Our Rulebook #2 was ratified by the SSAA National Board in February this year and published last week.

You are now able to access the new rulebook revision which was published last Wednesday on the SSAA National website on the Fly Shoot page, we will organise to upload the new book to this platform in the near future as well. in the meantime, it is here: Fly Shoot - Sporting Shooters' Association of Australia (SSAA)

I thank all of the Discipline Subcommittee members for their cooperation on this revision over the last 12 months and over the last 5 years for their help guiding the discipline.

A summary of the changes included in the new rulebook publication is as follows, the date next to the underlined title tells you when this change was identified and agreed:

Reincorporation of Rule 10 in rulebook (2022 Rulebook Revision)

The original Fly target had the 10 Rules for the competition printed on the target, a paragraph on page three now reads:

“The original Rule 10 of the Fly Shoot focused on competitors enjoying the competition, and was “Any competitor found not enjoying themselves shall be disqualified” which captured the ethos and objective of Fly Shooting, an enjoyable event to challenge the competitors and their equipment.”

Clarification of awarding of the Jim McKinley Cup (2022 Rulebook Revision)

Section 3, some amplification has been added to explain how the Jim McKinley Cup is to be awarded.

Clarification on the allowance of bag spacers (2018 Discipline Subcommittee Meeting)

Rule 3.2.3. has been amended to reflect the agreement in 2018 that a tapered spacer could be used between the bench and rear bag to correct the angle of the riflestock addressing the rear bag.

Clarification on rule relating to Electronic Devices (2022 Rulebook Revision)

Rule 3.2.5 has been amended to address current changes to technologies and any that may become available in the future.

Previously the rule precluded the use of any electronic device forward of the firing line, with technology progressing, electronic devices such as chronographs which measure forward of the firing line whilst being behind the firing line are now available, the change to the rule addresses this technology and is also designed to address technologies like light detection and ranging (LiDAR) wind measurement which may become more available to the recreational enthusiast in the near future.

Light Gun Weighing – Timing and ramifications for failure of re-test (2022 Rulebook Revision)

Rule 3.2.8 has been amended to amplify the Match Directors discretion to run a spot check on the weight of Light Gun and Rimfire, with ramifications as to the failure of the spot check.

New Rule – Competitor shoots in wrong detail (2019 & 2020 Discipline Subcommittee Meetings)

Rule has been introduced to the rulebook to address the circumstance where a shooter fires in the wrong detail.

Clarification of breaking of tied scores (2020 Discipline Subcommittee Meeting)

Rule 3.5.5. has been amended to make it clear that the tie break for the match, is to be calculated on the number of 10’s, 9’s etc on all 5 targets in the match.

New Rule – Target Marking (2022 Rulebook Revision)

Rule 3.6.3 has been added to make it clear that targets should be marked on the top part of the card, with minimal additional marking so that competitors have a better chance of identifying bullet holes on targets.

Spotting and Coaching (2019 Discipline Subcommittee Meeting)

Rule 3.8.19 has been substantially redrafted to address the difficulties that existed in the enforcement of the previous drafting.

The new drafting is clearer about what a spotter may and may not do and the ramifications of breaching the rule upon the competitor and the spotter.

Trophy Awards (2022 Rulebook Revision)

Rulebook #1 stated that the Jim McKinley Cup and Stuart Elliott were to be established, Rulebook #2 now reflects that these have been established.

State Teams Matches (2020 Discipline Subcommittee Meeting)

Now included in the medal list, is a State Teams medal, to be awarded to the highest aggregated scores for the top 3 state competitors. Those shooters need to shoot all three classes, LG, HG & RF. This will be awarded for the first time at the 2023 Nationals

Qualifications for Proficiency Awards (2018 Discipline Subcommittee Meeting)

Rule 3.12.3 clarifies the competitors eligibility to claim only one proficiency award per Registered Match.

Additional References (2022 Rulebook Revision)

The references page has been updated to reflect new rules and some extra references to make it easier for competitors and administrators to find rules which apply to a situation, particularly when under pressure.




I like spin stabilised things.

Topic starter Posted : 4 April 2023 10:27 pm
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