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Results -2024 South Coast Championships - Sponsored by MarXman

Member Moderator


Day 1 of the 2024 South Coast Championships saw a light breeze early in the day that picked up to around 20 klicks at it's worst. The mirage stayed away until our last 2 targets then conditions got a little more tricky.

In LG Dave Zucconi  just beat Tim Pavey for 1st by one Fly With Fred Blacker taking 3rd.

Peter Geholt shot the smallest group 1.60"  and  Fred with the highest target (59.02)

In HG  it was even closer with Dave just beating Tim by a count back and Scott "Scotty" Benson taking 3rd.  

Dave also shot the smallest group with a 1.37"  and Mark Welsh shot the highest target (on count back) with a 57.01



This topic was modified 1 year ago by Peter Cross
Topic starter Posted : 24 February 2024 7:47 pm
Member Moderator

Day Two – Rimfire and Multi-gun


What was supposed to be a pretty easy day turned out to be very challenging, with a decent wind that only seemed to hold when it was blowing at a considerable clip and the rest of the time it didn’t seem to know what it was going to do. Some seemed to take it in their stride, the best being Dave Groves who shot a 263 and 5 flies and the highest target, a 59.03 @ 1.15. What a Screamer!!!!. Matty took 2nd and with a combined score of 496.03 took the Multi-gun win just 1 point in front of Dave and walked away with the Barrel. Barry Tucker shot consistently to take 3rd in rimfire, and Dave Zucconi took 3rd in the Multi-gun.


Tim Pavey was lucky enough to walk away with the beautiful MarXman Stock.


Once again we would like to say a BIG THANKS to Wazz for his generous donations and Steve and Cheryl from Ulludulla Powder Coating for the Brick of Eley for the winner of the Rimfire.



Topic starter Posted : 25 February 2024 5:57 pm