Saturday 9 March 500m Heavy Gun & Light Gun
Sunday 10 March 200yd Rimfire
SSAA (ACT) Inc, Majura Shooting Complex, Jim McKinley Range
- Thursday, March 7: Bench draw will be available.
- Friday, March 8: Practice and flag set-up available.
- Saturday, 9 March: Centrefire 500m Fly: 5 target competition plus warmer/practice target, 9am commence fire.
- Sunday, 10 March: Rimfire 200yd Fly: 5 target competition plus warmer/practice target, 9am commence fire.
- Both days will be a registered matches and count toward their respective Shooter Of The Year competitions.
Nominations guaranteeing a spot close Sunday 3 March - but will be accepted subject to availability up until the bench draw is conducted, and up to the day of competition pending an available spot.
Fees: $60 per class.
Fees can be paid on your first day of competition.
Nominations to be submitted via the website. Nominations will open Monday 26 February. Canberra Rego BRT Federal Cup - Fly Shooter
Please be ready to provide:
- Name
- Calibre (if more than one class - calibre for each class)
- Class or classes you wish to shoot
- Details regarding sharing equipment (with who and what)
- Junior or left-hander
- Contact phone number, email address and any other details you may have for the equipment list
The competition will be run in accordance with the SSAA Fly Shoot rulebook current at the time of the competition.
Note: SSAA Majura Range does not allow .338 and larger cartridges at this time, if you have questions about your rifles eligibility for use, please contact Dave.
Keeper Trophies for first place in each class and badges for placings.
Badges for Small Group and High Scoring Target each Class.
Patches for hits on the Fly
Lucky Prize Draw after presentations on Sunday – featuring shooting products from our sponsor BRT.
Catering will be provided by the Gungahlin Lions Club
Camping is $10 per person per night. Hot showers, toilets, cooking facilities and electricity provided.
I like spin stabilised things.